Sunday, 31 August 2008

full of bluster

Welcome none and all to my spectacular debut blog, this may very well also be me going out in a blaze of glory (blog wise), as I can't honestly say I intend to keep any of you up to date on the goings on (or lack thereof) in my dreary, little existence.

At this very moment I'm facing the very real possibility that I do in fact have nothing to say or offer to the world, I did in fact realise how uninspired I was when I hit a creative drought as early as choosing my username, but I suppose some kind of introduction is in order.
  • I don't actually talk at all like this in my day to day life, I'm trying very hard to impress you.
  • Very, very hard.
  • I spend the majority of my time watching films and apparently finding outlets which may initially feel constructive but are in fact wholly pointless and only serve to delay my inevitable descent into madness and alcoholism.
  • I don't actually drink at all, I'm also vegetarian. Don't hate me for that please, we get a lot of bad press.
  • Bullet points make me feel like a hard-nosed, fast-talking, no-nonsense, up and coming, young University graduate who knows where he's damn well going and how he's damn well getting there.
  • I'm not.
I would also like to add at this point that I do feel utterly foolish for taking part in any of this, that's not to sound pretentious, I'm simply quite sure I am not even nearly interesting enough for anyone to care what I have to say, if indeed it does turn out that I do have anything to say at all, which I don't.

I'm not sure this is going very well, or how much longer I can carry this grubby, little charade on without actually saying anything really about myself.

I recently discovered I'll be repeating a year of University, mostly thanks to my lackadaisical approach to the world of academia. My consistently below par levels of work have come, finally, to languish in the realms of the insufficient. Oh well, more time to squander.

I've also just re-watched Final Desination 2, or a part of it at least, and I cannot for the life of me decipher exactly why.

I hope you've enjoyed my first outing and will return to hear me fumble with words I only half understand in the future if indeed this does become a new pass time of mine.

Maybe I'll talk about some films or something, I don't know yet.

Stay classy.